Have you ever walked by a school or community center and seen a group of girls playing games, running around, and having a great time? You may have seen a Girls on the Run practice!
The individuals who lead these practices are our superstar volunteer coaches. We wouldn’t be able to deliver our life-changing program without them. They dedicate their time and energy to empowering the next generation over the course of our 10-week season.
You might be thinking, ‘I don’t know how to be a coach’ or ‘I’m not a runner’ and that’s okay! Coaches are provided training prior to the start of the season where they will have the opportunity to become familiar with our curriculum and walk through a practice. Our research-based curriculum provides step-by-step instructions on how to complete every lesson, leaving you confident and ready for practice!
GOTR encourages every participant to find their happy pace, meaning speed doesn’t matter. As long as you are moving in the forward direction, you’re doing great! As an accommodating and accessible program, participants will run, walk, or roll as they are able.

Now, here are the five reasons why you should consider becoming a GOTR NOVA Coach!
1. It's FUN
We’re starting off with the basics. What doesn’t sound fun about playing games, spending time outside in the sunshine, and being surrounded by like-minded coaches and a bright group of kids?
Many coaches often comment on how being at practice significantly improves their mood and they leave practice feeling happier than when they arrived!
2. Opportunities to grow your community
With roughly 800 coaches annually, you are bound to make some connections. All coaches have access to a private Facebook group where they are able to seek advice from and share winning moments with other coaches.
You will also be spending time and building relationships with your co-coaches and the families of participants on your team!
3. Coaches receive fun goodies
We wouldn’t be able to reach the thousands of participants we provide annual programming for without our volunteers. Our coaches time and effort does not go unnoticed and we like to show our gratitude.
- New and improved coach appreciation program providing momentos for different milestones
- Entry into our 5K
- A coach t-shirt
- Exclusive giveaways
- Discounts to local events
4. The kids aren’t the only ones learning and growing
Even though our coaches are the ones leading the lessons and instructing our participants, they frequently tell us how much they grew during the season. The GOTR curriculum is full of key life-skills that are important for all ages.
5. The constant reminder that you are making a difference
Seeing the smiling faces at practice, witnessing breakthrough moments, and watching your teammates accomplish their goals are just a few of the many ways you will be reminded of the amazing work you are doing. The skills you teach your team will be used far past the conclusion of the season.
Because of your guidance, the next generation is taking on the world with a toolbox full of skills and the confidence to remind them that they can do anything they set their mind to.

Want to give it a shot? Apply to coach now! The spring 2023 season is just around the corner; starting on March 6th.
Unable to commit to coaching but still want to get involved? Check out our other volunteer opportunities:
- Substitute coach - Fill in when life gets in the way and coaches are unable to attend their practies. This is a great opportunity for those unable to commit to coaching a full season or those wanting to “test out” the coaching process!
- Team Adelaide - Acting as eyes and ears out in the field, Team Adelaide volunteers are assigned specific sites and will visit each site once a season during the site’s scheduled practice time. It’s a wonderful opportunity to see the program up close.
- 5K Volunteer - Help make the celebration one to remember by assisting with packet pick up, registration, water stops, medal distribution, and more!
Bonus reason to volunteer with GOTR NOVA: Redfin lists it as an affordable activity to do in Northern Virginia!