Star Power is a critical component of Girls on the Run. It is introduced early on in the season and is used as a building block throughout the curriculum.
Hear how some of our participants talk about their Star Power:

Just as our participants shared, Star Power lives in each of us and it’s up to us to help it shine bright. This summer you can help your Star Power shine by:
- Reciting Positive Affirmations
- Connecting With a Friend
- Discovering a New Hobby
- Get Moving
- Start Your GOTR Coaching Journey
- Allow Yourself At Least One Happy Moment A Day
Reciting Positive Affirmations
It can be easy to let the Negative Self-Talk take over. Having a list of positive reminders can help you turn the Negative Self-Talk into Positive Self-Talk, just like our GOTR participants are taught!
Connecting With a Friend
With many people going on trips and taking vacations during the summer, it can be challenging to find time to spend with friends. Look ahead and schedule a time to have dinner or grab coffee with a friend you don’t get to see often. By scheduling a time, you will have something to look forward to!
Discovering a New Hobby
Oh the joy of discovering something new that you LOVE! Don’t be afraid to get out there and try new activities. Cosmopolitan makes it easy to find and try a new hobby by listing 30 New Hobbies to Try ASAP If You Need a Lil Change in Your Life.
Get Moving
For those of us who melt in the heat and sun, it can be challenging to get in a daily dose of movement. Mayo Clinic has some helpful tips so you can beat the heat this summer!
Now that you know how to safely exercise outdoors during the summer, consider joining our team of SoleMates as they fundraise their way to the Marine Corps Marathon finish line!

Start Your Coaching Journey
Now is the time to sign-up to coach a Girls on the Run (elementary school) or Heart & Sole (middle school) team this fall! Our coaches are positive role models who lead by example and have a passion for supporting and encouraging kids to be their best selves.
No prior running or coaches experience is needed. Before the season starts in September, you will go through training and receive all the materials you need to be a successful coach.
When GOTR NOVA coaches were asked what they would tell someone who asked why they should coach for Girls on the Run, they said:
Allow Yourself At Least One Carefree/Fun Moment Every Day
It’s sometimes too easy to get caught up in work, family matters, or other aspects of life that don’t allow you to put yourself first. This is your reminder to set aside time for yourself EVERY DAY. It can be as short as a minute of meditation or the length of your favorite song.
Use this as an opportunity to press pause and put yourself first.
We hope you can put our suggestions to the test this summer to help your Star Power shine bright!
Would a $100 Wegmans gift card help your Star Power shine? Enter our random drawing by sending us a video sharing how you stay active over for the summer! Click here for more information and video requirements.